

Resignation Do’s & Dont's. How should I behave?

01 January 2020

By Kate Moxon

Resignation Do’s & Dont's. How should I behave?

The most professional way to hand in your notice in a graceful manner, would be to write a polite resignation letter, thank your Employer for the opportunities you’ve had within the company, work your notice period and leave the company on a positive note.  

There are many example ways of how not to resign from your current job such as: Leaving a note on your Manager’s desk, verbally discussing why you want to leave with an aggressive tone, or during a team building event. These options are examples of what not to do!  

Below are some examples of what to do (and what not to do) when resigning from your current position.

DO – Clean up your computer, tablet and smart phone

Before you hand in your notice, clean up your computer, tablet and smart phone, just in case your Employer decides they would prefer you didn’t work your notice period. Ensure to delete personal files, email messages and contact information so that it’s one less job for your Employer to do once you’ve left the company.

DO – Give notice where possible

It is usually mandatory to work a two week notice period (depending on your contract of employment.) Once your mind is set that you want to leave a company, make sure you hand your resignation letter in as soon as possible and work the notice period that is due. If you would like to leave sooner, then it’s important that you speak with your Employer first, to see if you can come to an agreement.

DO – Write a resignation letter

Whether you decide to resign via email or phone it’s always professional to follow it up with a formal resignation letter. You don’t need to say much more than you’re leaving, thank you for the opportunities during your time within the company, and confirm your last day of work.

DO – Get the details

Once you have let your Employer know that you are leaving the company make sure you ask for the employee benefits and salary you are entitled to when you leave. 

DON’T – Be negative

Even though you are leaving the company, you want to leave on good terms. Therefore when discussing your resignation with colleagues – only mention the positives that have come from working for the company rather than any negatives. Also, future employers will always look for references and you want a good one!

DON’T – Brag about your new job

Regardless of how great your new job is! Don’t brag to colleagues about it. It could make your colleagues feel bad about their job.

DO – Offer to help

Always try to offer help during your notice period. Although the offer may be rejected – it is always appreciated and reflects better on you.

DO – Ask for a reference

Ask if your Employer and co-workers are willing to provide a reference – ask them to be available via phone or email – also ask for a recommendation on LinkedIn – as this will look great for your future job searches.

DON’T – Forget to say goodbye 

Before you leave the company, try and put together a nice email to send to your co-workers. Whether you are leaving the company to start in a new position, start a job search, moving out of the area or retiring, it’s always appropriate to leave a farewell message. You could always leave your contact details so that you can stay in touch.

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