Personal Development


Team Training Day with Kathy Brooke

24 March 2022

By Angel Bains

Team Training Day with Kathy Brooke

​On March 10th the team at Agricultural and Farming Jobs enjoyed a fantastic team training day which was hosted by Kathy Brooke who is a Personal Development Coach. Kathy came into our office to work with the whole team, and she put on some inspiring workshops as well as spent time individually with 1-2-1 coaching sessions.

On our training day at Agricultural and Farming Jobs, we all learnt a lot about confidence within communication and how growth mindsets work. Being confident within how you communicate is very important as you want to be able to get your points across clearly and efficiently in every conversation that you have. Being in the recruitment industry in a niche sector, our team are talking to clients and candidates within their daily lives, as well as other external and internal sources, therefore it is key for us to be constantly developing our skills. The team were all very keen to gain some new ideas and tips on how they can be even better within their job roles.

The idea of a growth mindset was interesting to the whole team, and they were all interested to learn more about this topic to gain a deeper understanding into what it was all about and how it would be beneficial to them. Some great ideas were gained about having a growth mindset and the team have enjoyed implementing them.

The workshops enabled us all to identify any weaknesses that we believed we had which we then went onto share with the team, and it was very interesting for us all to see what we identified as our own main weakness. We all enjoyed listening to each other on what we had to say, as this allowed us to gain a better clarification on how everyone perceived themselves as an individual in their own mind. A great opportunity to also remind each other of our massive positives too!

Professional and Personal values was a very interesting topic that we discussed which we all got really stuck into. The team enjoyed identifying their own professional and personal values and then we all gave feedback to the rest of the team to state what they were, and why we chose them. We all found it very interesting to see what we had all chosen as our professional and personal values, and it was rewarding to see that some of the team had some similar values but also some that were completely different. Identifying these key values meant that the team was able to take them away and apply these within their everyday lives, which has been very successful.

The team at Agri FJ participated in group tasks which allowed us to work together to come up with ideas which we then all shared with the rest of the team. The group tasks enabled us all to use our own initiative and it helped us to further develop our communication skills. The workshops were a lot of fun and the team enjoyed how it was all very lively and interactive. The team found that the workshops were every beneficial as a lot of new ideas and tips were gained which they have already started applying within their everyday lives.

After we had the workshops in the morning, we then went on to having 1-2-1 coaching sessions individually, which all the team really enjoyed. The sessions allowed everyone to talk about anything they wanted, and the response from everyone was very positive.

Overall, we all had such an amazing time with Kathy and we thoroughly enjoyed all of the topics that we discussed. The team have gained a lot of ideas, which they have all already started to implement. The team are so grateful for Kathy coming in and we all look forward to seeing her again.

Our MD, Kate really believes in personal and professional development and is always investing in different ways she can, to support the team’s successful development to ensure we are all the best we can be! The team look forward to the next session.

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